Run: Tempo Previous Next


6:25 PM

6.4 km


6:51 mi


176 lb
171 bpm
183 bpm



7 / 10
7 / 10
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Deansgrange Park

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Good tempo run with Oscar. In Deansgrange Park but mostly on the tarmac as grass veery wet. Very windy so tough to run against and even tough with the wind behind you as it pushed you forward quite a lot. Felt very fresh as not doing much running at the moment (cross training for tri). As a result really felt up on my toes and felt like I was getting a lot from the session. Led out a good pace at the start and we were strong against the wind. took turns against the wind on the way back but we maintained a good pace easily enough. Slight pain in my calf for the past few days but nothing serious. 2nd lap we had the average speed at 7.55/mile by the time we turned back into the wind. About 0.8 of a mile against the wind and uphill to finish but we ran it very strongly all the way to the finish. In the end our average speed dropped even though it was against the wind. Really strong form the whole way around and delighted with the run - thought the average speed might have been faster but not a concern as very early in the year.
