Run: Tempo Previous Next


6:43 PM

6 mi


7:12 mi


170 lb
159 bpm
172 bpm



4 / 10
6 / 10
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Deansgrange Park

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Wanted to run this tempo more at HM pace and to keep the HR low to mimic the first 6 miles of the HM. Ideally I wanted to reach 6 miles in good shape at a speed slightly slower than HM pace and still fresh enough to push on. The pace was a bit up and down at the start but settled into a rhythm of around 7.10 per mile pace. Not that difficult to maintain that pace and the HR was ok most of the way. It went up to high 160's - early 170's a couple of times but I eased back each time. Good solid run - stopped for a few seconds and then jogged home. My run home was quite fast as well (unintentionally) which showed that the legs were still pretty fresh. Hope to hit 6 miles in the HM in similar shape and be able to up the pace a bit over the last 7 miles. If I kept this pace going for the full HM it would be a 94 mins time which would be pretty good - maybe I will aim for closer to 92 mins on the day
