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9:45 AM

27 mi


15.31 mi / hr


175 lb
133 bpm
177 bpm



6 / 10
4 / 10
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First cycle with Belpark Tri Club and what a baptism !!! About 8 - 10 of in the group. Some were planning 90km but I planned on hearing back with the group doing 60km. Disaster struck in Bray when I got my first puncture - repaired it quickly enough with help from 2 others. Cycled on and just as I had turned to head back with 2 others I got another puncture. Changed it on my own pretty quickly but amazingly got another front tyre puncture on the N11. Decided to call it a day as problem more than likely with the tyre rather than the tube so called a taxi. €30 back to Rathfarnham. On the cycle itself I was pretty ok but some of the hills were tough. Left knee did get sore again but probably not as bad as last cycle out with Jan. Cycle was far less than I had planned but good to get out with the club.
