Bike: Long Previous Next


2:29 PM

40.1 mi


15.73 mi / hr


176 lb
139 bpm
172 bpm


9 C


6 / 10
5 / 10
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Tough cycle on a windy day in Portlaoise. On my own as Jan in Holland. Very windy and tough as it was a blustery wind and almost felt like the wind was always against me. Decent speed on the way to Durrow but it got very tough from Durrow to Culahill and past there. Planned to turn at 20 miles and did so at 1hour 21 mins. Thought the wind would be a big help on the way back but not as much as I thought - still churned out the miles but my time off the bike in the last few weeks made it difficult. Was tired enough but my knee held up a lot better than recent times. Slight twinge but not nearly as bad as my last 3 - 4 long spins. Really pushed the last couple of miles and legs responded well enough until i actually got pretty tired. Took 2 gels and was ok ish for energy
