Run: Tempo Previous Next


6:28 PM

3.1 mi


6:21 mi


172 lb
178 bpm
189 bpm



9 / 10
7 / 10
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Deansgrange Park

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All out tempo run over 5km. Wanted to run under 20 mins so pushed hard from the start. Looking at my HR it looks like I pushed too hard. First 1 1/2 miles I was fast but comfortable enough. I knew I was pushing but legs were ok. Around 6.28/mile for the first half of the tempo and for the next mile or so I gradually upped the pace. Felt strong at this pace up until about 2.5 miles at which stage it got a little tougher. I've felt worse on tempos but finished ok enough. Wrecked afterwards - prob treated it more as a race than a tempo which is probably not the best idea. Will try to keep the HR more under control in future. Delighted to get sub 20 in a tempo run - confidence boost that there is some speed in the legs
