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10:05 AM

100.5 km


16.24 mi / hr


176 lb
140 bpm
169 bpm



9 / 10
7 / 10
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100km Portlaoise Winter Classic. Did the race with Jan. The race actually measured around 96km but we had a 4km cycle back to Capoley so made it 100km. Weather was cold enough and windy but surprisingly the rain held off. We started off at 10.00am in a group of around 100. I knew from early on that the pace was something I would probably struggle with. The first 50km was flat through Mountrath and onto Abbeyleix and Ballyragget. Within 40 mins the main "peleton" cranked up the pace and we were dropped quickly. Initially we tried to keep up but soon realised that we would be wrecked so focused on keeping a steady pace and just get the distance. Comfortable to Ballyragget (puncture in Durrow) and we stopped for 5 mins for coffee and sandwiches. The food was great as the 2nd half of the race was very hilly. Tough hill straight after ballyragget but I was cycling well and pulled away from Jan and Shirley (his friend from work). It was cold and I wanted to get into a good rhythm so didn't wait for him (he was struggling a bit as wasn't eating enough food). Worked the hills really well and the decents were great (really long as well). Surprised myself by my energy in the second half of the race and started to pick off a few people (4 in total). Dumped some jellies and a banada as they were heavy and I had too much food with me. After 80km came to a junction where they were giving people the option of a 90km or the original 100km route. Stopped and waited for Jan (passed by the 4 people I had passed earlier again) as I didn't know what he wanted to do. Decided to keep going even though he was dead on his feet. Without even trying I pulled away from them again and caught the the guys ahead of me again. I was really cycling well considering it was over 90km at this stage. The family support were out in force as I passed Capoley (Nana, Ann, Zoe, Elaine, Denis) which was great and I stopped again to wait for Jan. This time the 3 of us cycled to the finish, dropped Shirley off and cycled back to Capoley. Felt fresh right to the end which surprised me.

Great cycle and the biggest thing I learned was to keep fuelled - bring more than you need and start drinking and eating early.

Ate 1 banana, a few dozen jelly babies, 4 - 5 triangle sambos, a coffee and 500ml lucozade sport

Knee was a bit uncomfortable for the last 30km but not as bad as it has been in the past. Writing this on the Monday and it's still a bit tender but ok. Wrecked after the cycle but a good nights speel and I'm fine again
