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4:27 PM

10.8 mi


8:28 mi


174 lb
157 bpm
178 bpm



9 / 10
4 / 10
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Nore Valley Walk

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90 min long run along the trails beside the Nore river. It was really uneven and hard to keep a steady rhythm. There was a lot of gates/sty's to jump over in total (over 40 that I counted). The terrain went from paths through the wood, fields, roads etc. Some of the paths were impossible to run fast on as I could easily go over on an ankle. I liked the route but not sure if it's practical. Too much stopping and starting and hard to get into a good rhythm. For the first 60 - 65 mins I was ok and running well enough. Took a gel at 62 mins but I think the terrain and all the gates finally took their toll. I really struggled over the last 20 mins or more - towards the end I was barely hanging on - more so than any other run I remember recently. Still determined to finish and kept going to the end. I reckon the terrain and the gates made it feel like a longer run so not disappointed to finish weakly. I reckon it was worth 100 mins on an easier lap. Good to get to 90 mins without too many problems - achilles once again not a major concern but problem still there
