Swim: Free Style Previous Next


6:33 PM

0.3 mi


1:18 / 100yd

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finally managed to break 7 mins on the swim course, which looked legit tonight distance-wise. first buoy was further out than usual, and turnaround buoy was about right. unfortunately, i forgot to stop my garmin after the swim, so i don't know the exact distance of this swim. you'll just have to take my word for it (ha ha). started out next to marli and mark at the swim start. ended up on top of marli about 10 yards in (marli, don't tell your husband). i think i pissed her off because the water got HOT! thank goodness i went without the wetsuit tonight (originally wanted to test it out again). holy crap. i've never swum in water this warm before and could only think about how warm the water was during the entire swim. i was actually getting fatigued by the water temps. it had to have been close to 80 degrees (even after the rain!). insane. swallowed more water than usual, but no ill effects. only went slighlty off course a couple of times, but sighting corrected that quickly. no patsy tonight, so len clocked in the fastest swim with a 5:12. quite impressive considering he's just starting out with tri's. i was about 8th out of the water, and only slightly behind mike (he's beaten me, overall, in the two meetings we've had this season). t1 was the usual 40's. bike was racked in a pack tonight and was not in the best location for a faster t1.
