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4800 m


5:25 mi

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3200 with Park. We did this well. Right beforehand, I was feeling a bit out of sorts. Legs were a bit too loose - felt over-caffeinated. Felt like I settled in well but then it was apparent we were too slow, so Park took over and got us back on track. 5:30 at the mile and I made a push for the next 800 - a vocal one too, making sure we knew that we had to nail those laps. Went through 2400 about a second quick and then Park took it and went. I closed consistently, but it was not easy by any means.

The 8's weren't bad at all. I think we had about 4 minutes of recovery between the 2 mile and them and then 90 seconds bretween the 8s. Park crushed me on the second one, but I had a good workout so I am pleased.
