Bike: Tempo Previous Next


12:04 PM

5.6 mi


18.47 mi / hr


82 F
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Time trial 18:07. Had to slow down 2 times for highway traffic. Believe I will be under 18:00 for sure or close to it. Very strong South wind. Gears and bike...getting used to it. Will try again tomorrow with tires inflated higher. Believe it will make a huge difference, but the big thing will be transitions and getting through the hills with correct gear adjustments. Will go all out and push a lot more than I even did today.



Suggestion: If you are close to the goal time now do not do another full mileage "push" ride or if you do, dont do it past Tuesday at the latest. Just do a couple of 3-4 min faster intervals during your rides and get used to the bike in the next couple sessions this week. You will be ready to rolll come Sunday.


Sounds good. Today was sort of a push, but got caught behind traffic. I'm ready to roll. Still need to figure out the transition, if you have to run to the bike area or if I can run from the pool to the bike area. Thoughts if we have a choice?


The race director will let us know how the relay transitions need to be completed. Either way, I will get you on your way ASAP.