Run: Interval Previous Next


8:19 AM

7.9 mi


8:37 mi


157 lb


70 F


7 / 10
8 / 10
  • Map

Keota Track


Foggy this morning and after hearing Tanner's story of dodging cars on the Harper Rd, I decided the track sounded like a great opportunity. Besides, I need to wear down the inside lane. So 2 miles of warm-up to the right then three mile repeats to the left between 7-7:15 with 3:00 jogging between to the right, cool down of 2 miles to the right and uptown to home.


Mile 1-7:18- Steady throughout. Did see 7:30 at first, but quickly got it down to the 7:20 mark and stayed in that area the rest of the time. Felt easy.

Mile 2-7:12- Actually started around the 6:30 mark and slowed up, lost focus and saw 7:30 on the first lap again. Erased that over the next 3 laps and got back to 7:12 w/out much effort.

Mile 3-7:00- This one felt the best. Almost as if it takes 4 miles to get warmed up. Might be some truth to that.

Just got easier and faster as I went along. Thought I might make a run for it to try to get under 7, but decided to do something else after I hit the mile mark. As it turned out...7:00 was right there anyway.

.1 at the end...38 seconds. Not my fastest, but nice to see the 6:07 pace when you're done. Wouldn't have done it if I didn't feel 2 things: 1- Last night it seemed like I could feel my leg muscles recovered and repaired and ready to run. Can't explain it other than feeling strong and sturdy. 2-I felt like I could have done another mile repeat (faster) after the last one, so I knew I had it in me.

9:54/8:40 + .26 to finish the run.
