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6:25 PM

0.5 mi


6:18 mi


170 lb


91 F
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MI = 91 + 70 = 161 and with sun. This was certainly a pitiful attempt at a 1 mile PR. I came very close to not even attempting this because the temp was 91 and the dewpoint was 70. I peeled off right before the 800 mark. I would have went through the 1/2 mile in about 3:10 and I was already feeling dizzy, gasping for air, and about to throw up. I will give it another shot next Thursday night if the weather is better even though I now believe there is no way I can PR even under great weather conditions but that should come at no surprise since I have done almost no intervals in the last few months.


Willie O

That MI/sun etc can suck the PR right out of you. Make your attempt when the WX conditions are more favorable and you will be able to stick it. Willie O


Agree...I'm not even sure why I tried it in those conditions.

Willie O

If you are serious make sure you have a race buddy, someone who is faster and can push you through that barrier.