Run: Tempo Previous Next


11:44 AM

4.6 mi


8:44 mi


182 lb


72 F
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I did not have a lot of time at lunch due to a training class so I decided to do a 4 mile tempo. After 3 miles, I decided on the last mile I would run a 1/4 mile easy and a 1/4 mile hard 2 times. After the first 1/4, I thought I pressed the lap button but actually pressed the stop button so I had to manually add that 1/4 mile here. I ran this on the 1/4 mile loop around lake because I did not want to have to deal with all the hills. This ended up being very annoying because a lot of people were walking the loop because the weather was so nice today. So I was constantly having to get off the trail to pass.
