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10:58 AM

3 mi


4.06 mi / hr


174 lb
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I walked around the lake and it got very hot.


Willie O

Chris, How did the Dr appointment go? Glad to see you out walking. Must be nice to be hot. We had to shovel a foot of heavy wet snow today.


The appointment went well. I really like my family doctor. We have been going to him for 20 years. I go to the pulminary specialist at the end of March. Anyways, they have not found anything unusal with my blood yet. He did take more blood and is sending it off for more tests. He is referring me to a hemotologist. He suspects that I may have some rare genetic mutation.


Also, in about 4 weeks, he is sending me to pulminary rehabilitation which is good. The way I understand it is they hook me up to some equipment and I run on the treadmill and they make sure all of my systems are working the way they should while I am running. That way, I actually had to Google it myself to get more information on exactly what the rehabilitation is.


Wow, I cannot imagine having a foot of snow. We have gotten about 1 inch of snow this winter but we have had some crazy weather this winter. Yesterday, we set a record that dates back to 1890. It got up to 81 degrees. Today's high is supposed to be 45 degrees.


Oh, I forgot to mention that I asked him if I could jog easy for a short distance. He said not get to get over 60% of my maximum heart rate for the first 4 to 6 wees. So today, I am going to wear a heart rate monitor and make sure I do not exceed that. I may see if I can sprinkle in some very short jog segments and not exceed the 60%.

Willie O

Thanks for the update. Sounds like you are doing all the right things. Good that we have the technology to self monitor ourselves with our watches. I bet you could find a lot of crosstraining stuff that would let you get a good workout without exceeding your limits. Let me know how the treadmill test goes.