Run: Interval Previous Next


11:30 AM

7.5 mi


8:14 mi


180 lb


65 F


I had planned on doing 4 (1 mile) repeats at around a 7:30 pace. I forgot to put my GPS screen on lap pace so I had to guess at the repeat pace which I did a bad job of. I knew I could not do 2 more of these intervals so I saw Kevin after mile 4 at the water fountain so I decided to do the last 3 or 4 miles with him at a 8:00 minute pace since it was his recovery day. This attempt also went south because it was hillier that we thought it would be. So I had to run walk up some of the hills the last 2 miles. I turned my watch off for the walks so that is why the pace is so fast. Mile 1 - 9:29/Mile repeat 1 - 7:25/1/2 mile at 9:15/Mile repeat 2 - 7:15/other miles were 8:40/8:29/7:41/8:04. Even though this workout blew up, I'm still going to try for a 7:24 at Purity which is a BIG reach at this point but I might as well go for it.
