Run: Fartlek Previous Next


11.1 mi


6:57 mi

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<No name>


First time doing a double in probably 11 years.

60 minute fartlek (5 minutes of ~MP, 5 minutes as normal as possible) + warm up/cool down = 11.14 mile total.

Looked like this:

5min @ 7:16 pace

5min @ 5:43 pace (too fast)

5min @ 7:08 pace

5min @ 5:55 pace

5min @ 7:25 pace

5min @ 6:01

5min @ 8:02

5min @ 5:58

5min @ 7:55

5min @ 6:04

5:40 @ 8:31 (took some extra recovery before last one)

5min @ 6:09

Short warm up/cool down (about 16 minutes total).

Happy I was able to keep the pace pretty quick on the MP reps, wish I could have kept it a little steadier on the recoveries towards the end, but I'll chalk that up to the heat (really hot towards the end-- most of run in sun) and the fact that the first two were a little fast. Overall pretty happy, and liked this workout a lot.

Ran on N. Cedar Lake Trail towards downtown.
