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5.7 mi


6:30 mi

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Don't really know what to make of this workout. Ran these on Cedar Lake Trail and Kenilworth towards Louisiana from Target Field.

First one was too fast, and with the short recoveries of the first set, it made things harder the rest of the way. Took a little longer in between (2 minish) for the second set with the hope of running a little faster, but that didn't really work out. Did 7 instead of 8 because I wasn't sure if I could keep things going well enough on the last one . It was pretty hot and the course I did these on slightly inclined the whole way. I also ran down and walked up again 16 flights of stairs before this workout, smh.

Guess the goal a head of time was to be well under MP, and that was accomplished. Would have liked to have been further below MP on a few of them, but whatever. In general, I think my body is feeling the load of the last 14 days and maybe I won't push it too hard the rest of the week. It is good to have a relative down week every so often I suppose.
