Run: Long Steady Distance Previous Next


2:10 PM

26.9 km


6:09 km


4 C
  • Map

Rideau River


Light rain and wind ENE 30-35 gust 39-48. Weather wasn't as bad as I was expecting. The section on the dirt paths on the west side of the river was actually quite nice and well drained. I guess half the time I had the wind as a tail wind and otherwise was often shielded but there was one section around the 15k point where it became quite trying for quite a while and I was starting to get cold. This was also the point where I started to feel completely saturated with water everywhere.

It's admittedly questionable to do a long run the day after a 5K race but legs felt fine before and with the slow pace and distance well under 30 km I believe the worst case is probably slightly compromised workouts in the following week. This experiment along with the questionable weather was actually how I convinced myself do do any run at all. For an additional variation, I wore the old shoes with 820 km on them and this encouraged me to run easy and on grass when feasible.

Carried 1.6L of Gatorade and drank 1.1L. Took quite a few stops and little walk breaks, included in time as usual. Pace without stops is 6:00. Found the changing terrain on the River path challenging on tired legs. There is snow in places. Quite a bit of running on grass in this run.

Legs were feeling very tired towards the end, especially the usual left quad weak link.

Calories: 1900.0

Ascent: 110.0

Descent: 110.0
