Cross: Cross Training Previous Next


12:00 AM

36.5 km


16.86 km / hr


28 C


16+12.2+8.3. Approx distance and moving time. With daughter (who did another 10+10). Nice weather I thought but she was finding it a bit hot. Downtown via paths to Gatineau paths, onto Parkway at fork for #15. Climb Pink Lake hill (first time for her), to Pink Lake. Hike for 10 minutes or so on the trail around Pink Lake. Back down the Pink hill (cautiously, with instruction), onto the path then turning for the path to Lac Leamy. Swam and lay around at Lac Leamy for a while. It was shallow and a bit crowded inside the buoy and where we tried outside non-stop weeds to get tangled up in, so couldn't really race properly. We looked at my dolphin kick ability etc. Return to downtown Ottawa via the paths.
