Run: Easy Previous Next


16 mi


8:02 mi

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<No name>


Ran 16 miles in 2:08:26.23 (8:01.6 min./mi.) Today's plan, 16 (extra easy) miles @ 8:00 min./mi. Took 2-3 miles or so to get some soreness worked out; by the 12 mile mark the heat was taking its toll, pushed through though and didn't feel bad at the end.

Mile Splits: 8:26.98, 8:24.97, 8:19.93, 8:13.48, 8:10.98, 8:06.92, 8:01.90, 7:59.79, 7:54.08, 7:50.63, 7:46.34, 7:42.78, 7:46.37, 7:50.85, 7:53.55, 7:56.68

5k Splits: 26:07, 25:19 (51:26), 24:45 (1:16:11), 24:05 (1:40:16), 24:12 (2:04:28)

H/M: 1:45:36
