Run: Easy Previous Next


16 mi


7:35 mi

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Ran 16 miles in 2:01:09.13 (7:34.3 min./mi) Today's plan, 16 miles @ 7:30's min./mi. I have never been a very good runner in the heat (see my 2010 Chicago Marathon results as proof), but the last three days have all been in the 80's and I been able to average 7:30'ish over 16 miles each day, kinda' surprising to me.

Mile Splits: 7:48.83, 7:42.10, 7:35.85, 7:36.03, 7:37.00, 7:34.97, 7:32.05, 7:34.90, 7:29.00, 7:27.05, 7:31.95, 7:36.98, 7:33.07, 7:42.50, 7:30.90, 7:15.95

5k Splits: 23:56, 23:34 (47:30), 23:26 (1:10:56), 23:19 (1:34:15), 23:29 (1:57:44)

H/M: 1:38:50
