Run: Easy Previous Next


13 mi


7:37 mi

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<No name>


Ran 13 miles in 1:38:48.48 (7:36.0 min./mi.) Today's plan, 16 miles @ 7:45 min./mi. Felt much better today than the past couple of days, but still had to cut this run short due to high winds, heavy rain, and lighting; still a good run for an easy effort day.

Mile Splits: 7:47.49, 7:43.52, 7:42.76, 7:37.92, 7:36.00, 7:35.00, 7:37.00, 7:40.02, 7:42.06, 7:27.82, 7:25.98, 7:31.97, 7:20.94

5k Splits: 24:04, 23:35 (47:39), 23:47 (1:11:26), 23:12 (1:34:34)
