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11:00 AM

16 mi


8:12 mi

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<No name>


Ran 16 miles in 2:11:05.74 (8:11.6 min./min.) Today's plan, 12 miles @ 8:15 min./mi. The first 5k was just brutal; nearly shut it down it was so bad. However, I just kept pushing forward just hoping I would break free of the tree that it felt like I was tied too. Once I got past the seven mile mark things really started to feel better. Racking up a lot of miles (49) so far this year considering that I do not have a single race planned so far for 2014.

Miles Splits: 8:54.94, 8:51.12, 8:54.88, 8:28.97, 8:33.00, 8:21.93, 8:17.97, 8:07.50, 7:56.43, 7:48.22, 7:47.93, 7:44.02, 7:52.68, 7:45.35, 7:54.27 (2:13:19.21), 7:46.53

5k Splits: 27:38, 26:22 (53:50), 25:08 (1:18:58), 24:07 (1:43:05), 24:21 (2:07:26)

H/M: 1:48:20
