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16 mi


7:31 mi

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Ran 16 miles in 2:00:08.49 (7:30.5 min./mi.) Today's plan, 20 miles @ 7:15 min./mi. Absolutely did not have it today. Legs were very heavy from the start and never really got to feeling any better. It could be that the last two days had drained the legs a bit as both runs were ran in heat and humidity and all at sub seven minute pace. I guess you can't feel great everyday anyway.

Mile Splits: 7:38.62, 7:34.14, 7:36.58, 7:29.44, 7:24.38, 7:25.64, 7:28.87, 7:22.49, 7:19.89, 7:22.66, 7:25.52, 7:28.27, 7:31.69, 7:35.65, 7:40.00, 7:44.65

5k Splits: 23:36, 23:01 (46:37) 22:58 (1:09:35), 22:58 (1:32:33) 23:34 (1:56:07)
