Run: Easy Previous Next


2:00 PM

6 mi


8:05 mi

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<No name>


Ran 6 miles in 48:25.81 (8:04.3 min./mi.) Today's plan, 6 miles @ 8:00 min./mi. The right Achilles was very tight and sore to start this run; wasn't sure I would make it past mile one. Achilles slowly loosened up, but remained sore. Going to ice several times over the next 24 hours. Tomorrow it was my plan to run a treadmill marathon during the Super Bowl game. Even before the Achilles flare up I wasn't sure I could pull that off anyway, but now, I'm really not certain.

January Recap: 331.4 miles (9th most all-time) in 43:21:12 (7:50.9 min./mi.)

Mile Splits: 8:27.46, 8:01.68, 8:01.77, 7:58.95, 8:01.03, 7:54.92

5k Split: 25:17
