Run: Easy Previous Next


12 mi


7:34 mi

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Ran 12 miles in 1:30:45.53 (7:33.8 min./mi.) Today's plan, 12 miles @ 7:30 min./mi. The first half of this run wasn't bad, but the wheels were coming off the second half. Legs are still heavy, it might be time to take a day or two off.

Mile Splits: 7:36.13, 7:29.15, 7:28.44, 7:21.22, 7:24.55, 7:27.65, 7:30.93, 7:34.87, 7:40.68, 7:44.45, 7:42.30, 7:45.16

5k Splits: 23:20, 22:55 (46:15), 23:34 (1:09:49)
