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16 mi


7:22 mi

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<No name>


Ran 16 miles in 1:57:40.54 (7:21.3 min./mi.) Today's plan, 20 miles @ 7:20's min./mi. Cool at the start of this run, but by mile nine, I was starting to doubt I'd make twenty as the temperature had climbed considerably and I was feeling it big time; shut it down early as I was getting pretty gassed at the end.

Mile Splits: 7:17.03, 7:14.04, 7:12.91, 7:17.20, 7:16.81, 7:20.02, 7:21.90, 7:24.10, 7:26.90, 7:13.15, 7:16.90, 7:19.00, 7:27.05, 7:28.58, 7:31.95, 7:33.00

5k Splits: 22:32, 22:38 (45:10), 22:58 (1:08:08), 22:42 (1:31:00), 23:04 (1:54:04)

H/M: 1:35:50
