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12 mi


7:25 mi

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<No name>


Ran 12 miles in 1:28:54.16 (7:24.5 min./mi.) Today's plan, 12 miles @ 7:30 min./mi. Today's plan an almost exact replica of yesterday's twelve-miler; felt very good from start to finish. Tomorrow's run will be nothing like the last two days though as I will make my fourth attempt at running a sixty-two minute ten mile Tempo run; out of the first three attempts I was successful only once.

Mile Splits: 7:41.57, 7:37.00, 7:30.37, 7:27.85, 7:23.88, 7:17.97, 7:18.48, 7:21.47, 7:16.82, 7:22.83, 7:22.12, 7:13.80

5k Splits: 23:18, 22:33 (45:51), 22:30 (1:08:21)
