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7:58 AM

5 mi


14:23 mi


148 bpm
165 bpm


62 F


3 / 10
1 / 10
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Bad run. Felt too hot (although it was only low 60s), sunny. Legs felt very tired & dead. Was supposed to do 7 miles but during mile 4 I made the Executive Decision to stop at 5 miles b/c continuing on seemed Utterly Pointless. I was feeling weird around mile 3 so decided to try eating a few Sports Beans. Stomach felt slightly crampy midway but nothing major apparently. Hours later my left knee is feeling a bit hurty. I wonder if I overdid it this week, not on running, but on walking. I've been trying to walk for an hour a day on the treadmill on my nonrunning days. My throat was very sore last night, maybe I am getting sick.
