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5:59 AM

6 mi


12:44 mi


138 bpm
165 bpm


55 F


6 / 10
6 / 10
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for the 8675309 Jeni challenge :) at DM

Pretty good run considering this is the 4th day in a row I've run and I've never done 4 days in a row before (and probably won't be making a habit of this). Song 8675309 kept going through my head.

Every time I passed a certain tree, a bird would swoop down on me and chase me a bit and squawk angrily at me. Kind of unnerving. After the 2nd time, I started to feel like I was in a Hitchcock movie. The first time I approached the tree I could see the bird at the very top, watching me, waiting ...and then swwooooop. I went by a 2nd time just to see if this was going to be a regular occurrence; I guess it is.

Temp was a blissful 55F, perfect for running. Humidity was 85%.

At the end of the run, my legs felt very pleasantly sore and fatigued.
