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First CrossFit session went pretty well I think. First we warmed up with some jumping jacks, squats, lunges, chest stretches. Then I started to learn about various exercises.

Squats: Much deeper/lower than I normally do.

Pull ups: Trainer demo'd regular and kipping. Also with the band. I tried with the band, and it kind of scared me. Sadly, the band wasn't much help to me as weak as I am. Trainer had me do jumping pull ups. I was doing mostly jumping, very little pulling up.

Push Ups: From my knees. Had to get torso to be fully in contact with the ground then push myself up.

Sit ups: Used a little pillow thing called abmat (?). Legs bent in front of me with feet sole to sole.

Rowing machine: I've always suspected that I've been doing this wrong the few times I've ever used this. I still haven't really gotten the proper mechanics of this down.

Then the trainer said my workout would be

500m row

40 squats

30 sit ups

20 push ups

10 jumping pull ups

Something like that. He timed me. 8:11. Took me over 5 minutes just for the rowing.

I was the only one in the class so I was the fastest and slowest, heh.

The trainer emphasized that CrossFit was about functional fitness and using full range of motion (hence the deeper squats and going all the way to the ground for push ups).

It was kind of fun and I liked it. Now I am feeling very torn between continuing doing the 5:30am boot camp I was doing or joining CrossFit. Will have to see how the next sessions go.
