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<No name>


Warm up

4x15m sled push with weights (don't remember how much)

2x15m sled pull with weights

short distance for

Duck walk (ugh)

Bear crawl

Crab walk (ugh)


12 minute AMRAP of:

5 Deadlifts 155/105lb (green barbell + 20lb. think it's 55lb)

5 Front Squats 155/105lb (green barbell + 20lb. think it's 55lb)

25 Double Unders (75 singles)

7 rounds

I probably should have tried harder to do double unders but I would mess up every time. I would get into a nice rhythm with the singles and I hated to mess that up. Weightwise, probably could lift heavier for deadlift but not sure going heavier would have been good for front squats, felt hard on my limited wrist mobility.
