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8:30 AM

10 km


3:45 km


14 C


10 / 10
10 / 10


Perhaps not a 10 for effort - 9.5 might be better, certainly not as hard as my previous 10km PB.

Took beetroot juice the night before - not too disgusting this time. A slice of toast for breakfast and some Weider drink before the start.

Stopped in Fo Tan on way out to use toilet (didn't, it was horrible, used University instead).

Wearing Adidas green shorts, 2XU compression (good stuff), Adidas singlet and NB1300 shoes. Shoes felt good, certainly better grip than Newtons in this weather (damp ground from high humidity and earlier showers).

Cool morning and a flat out and back course.

Km splits were - 3mins 47secs, 7mins 27secs, 3mins 37secs, 4mins 4secs, 7mins 32secs, 3mins 43secs, 3mins 36secs and 3mins 38secs. Nice going, and I think there might be a few more seconds in me. Outward 5km in 18mins 55secs and back in 18mins 28secs.

Cracking effort, second PB of the year!

Need to reassess goals for the rest of the season, and push up the faster running another notch now.
