Run: Long Previous Next


6:45 PM

26.5 km


4:56 km


19 C


9 / 10
7 / 10


Easy paced long run on the promenade. Didn't have the GPS so the distance isn't exact - possibly longer based on the pace and the results from MayMyRun (which said 27.5km). Hard going - certainly running on very tired legs towards the end.

Went from the changing rooms in the park to the bottom of Chai Wan Road hill and back, then 2 park loops (970m each), and then 5 laps of the jogging track. Tried to push a bit harder towards the end of the second loop and the last couple of laps of the jogging track.

First loop - out back and 2 laps - 58mins 7secs, second loop - 56mins 59secs.

Took a gel after each loop - the 3Action ones - they are good, felt a difference after each one, perhaps because I was running on not much energy. Will try something else next time, but good to know these work well.

Got the run done, most of the planned distance anyway, and it was hard enough to be of use.
