Swim: Mixed Previous Next


12:45 PM

2200 yd


2:44 / 100yd

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Harvard pool


4/21/2011- w/Flea

Swim : Straight Swim: Endurance 2200 yd

Workout Description:

200 yd WU - different strokes. 1-2' rest.

Then do 2000 yd straight swim. Try to swim at fairly even pace - goal is to have first, middle and last 400 within 5 seconds of each other.

The first 150 of every 200 increment should be at an easy to medium pace. The last 50 of every 200 increment should be hard - I mean sprint hard. Here is the thing - try to get a feel for your pace and make each 200 within a few seconds of each other - perhaps a 7-8 second spread between your slowest and fastest 200. So if you feel as though you're slowing, then maybe you do a bit more of the easy to medium at medium to compensate. Pool practice for our open water calaibrations.
