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8:15 AM

10.1 mi


12:05 mi



5 / 10
3 / 10
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Lake Nokomis


Legs felt tired...a bit heavy? Maybe from race yesterday, starting to ramp up my mileage, or the very sloppy footing ...? Likely all 3!

Starting to feel a lot of weird aches and pains. My right hip still hurting, but a bit less. But now my right hip is hurting, and then oddly, my left foot was twingy a little here and there. Nothing sharp or dramatic, just odd aches.

My shoes have 232 on them, which is still on lowish side, but I know Wendi told me last year that because I overpronate, I wear shoes out faster. She is still out though...going to wait a week or so and hopefully she'll be back in. My aches could also be a result of my hip thing. Seems like after I've seen Claudia for some injury (and I saw her last Monday), first my pains shift around to different places, then eventually go away. And my left hip did start to hurt right after I saw her. Based on that ... it is likely the latter. I have another appt tomorrow and feel pretty optimistic. Just need to keep seeing her, seeing Kori and doing my exercises and things should resolve. Just thankful the injury is really just annoying, versus anything keeping me from running.

Garmin still MIA ... will buy a new one after next paycheck if Old Blue doesnt show up... :(
