Run: Tempo Previous Next


5:29 AM

8.1 mi


9:05 mi

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4 mi @ 8:45 with 2 mile w/u and c/d.

8:34, 8:31, 8:34, 8:28. tsk, tsk, I know.

Um. WTF? This run felt spectacular from the very first step. I tried to slow down for the tempo miles, but I couldn't. I felt so goddamn good. So much so, that I am now freaked out. I could have ran another 2-3 miles at that pace, I think. WEIRD. And afterwards? It was like I had just finished a 2 mile jog around. WEIRD. WTF is wrong with me?

Things to experiment with further: 1. eat less for dinner. I had a very light dinner last night and not a peep from the bowels this morning. 2. Take a b-complex vitamin before bed. I definitely think it helps me get up... but, maybe it helps with my morning runs, too?

BOOM. I woulda schooled all kinds of bitches today.



No tsking! Sometimes you just have to go with how you feel. And you're def. in good enough shape to run this a tad fast without doing any damage. If you had gone 3 more miles at this pace, however, I would have tsked.


Also, a lighter din din may be the key. Pizza the night before a race may be sabotaging you.