Run: Tempo Previous Next


5:58 PM

6.5 mi


9:32 mi

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3 mi @ 8:45ish

(8:34, 8:34, 8:48). Sucky Sucky Sucky.

Quotable KoB: After Steve cheerfully announced one more mile of the tempo run left. KoB: "And it's all uphill. woo!"

At the end of the run when I was complaining about how terrible my legs felt. KoB: "Well, the one speed workout you do a week is also the same day as the one double you do a week."

And when I said that this run felt way harder than last week. KoB: "Marathon pace runs always feel harder than you think they should." True.


another one

that KoB kind of sounds like an asshole

just sayin


Maybe... but you should see the tan and biceps on him. Woo!