Run: Long Previous Next


7:20 AM

21.5 mi


6:42 mi


157.3 lb
155 bpm
184 bpm


48 F


9 / 10
9 / 10
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Pretty solid. Ran mile up to starting line in 7 min then 21.5 of the Boston course. Head wind the whole way which was strongest after the turn at the fire house. I don't think this is a fast course. The newton hills hurt. Last 6 miles of tempo in 6:16, 6:35, 6:35, 6:31, 6:49, 6:52 (heartbreak), 3:11 for last 1/2 mile. These were all through the newton hills and the strongest head wind so not bad. Overall, my legs felt pretty bad leaving the house and never felt good. I'm at 75 miles for the week with a day to go. The massage last night, although necessary, really just made my legs feel sore today. Overall, I'm encouraged by the run today. 7s/miles faster than the same run before CIM on a tougher day.

No Caff gels at 30, 60, 90 minutes. 1xcaff gel at 2 hours. Water at mile 16.
