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11:38 AM

9.3 mi


9:21 mi


165 lb

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Lady Bird Lake Trail Run - Austin

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This was my first run in Austin. My knee was really tweaky throughout the run, though. I did run an easy pace and stopped every now and then to take pictures. I was hoping to run completely around Lake Austin, but the trail kept stopping at odd places.

If you look at the map, I started the loop and ended up on I-35, which either I tried to get across without getting hit by a car or just cross the lake. I ended up crossing the lake, and then tried to complete the part of the loop that I missed, unfortunately, the trail ended! So, I guess that part of the trail just wasn't in my future.

I doubled-back and then somehow the trail ended up in the middle of downtown Austin! I really should have brought a map! I started to run back to where I knew the lake was and then ended up finding the trail again. From there on, I was able to stay on track and run the trail along the east side of the lake, across Mopec, and then back to where I was.

The scenery was just amazing!!! If I lived in Austin, I'd be completely content if this were the only trail I could run.



Isn't that the most fun part of running in a new city - getting lost!


I'm just glad there was a body of water to follow...otherwise I'd probably still be in the city somewhere. :) Not quite sure how I would have crossed the highway though. Maybe there was a trail underneath it that I didn't see. I should have really brought the map...I did strike up a conversation with a few people on the trail to tell me where the heck I was.