Health: Weekly Journal Previous Next



158.2 lb
39 bpm
9 hrs


First off, I feel great!

Second -- alcohol. I was drinking every night. I ran out at home... I'm not buying any more until after my race season ends. I can drink if I go out with Megan/friends but not at home watching TV.

Third TV -- binge watching seems tied to the alcohol (see above).. just don't do it. Most nights have been 7.5+ hours sleep and I feel great!

Fourth -- running is going splendidly. Tuesday was hard. Tried to cut the CV reps from old pace based on recentish 5k (1:42/400 -- 4:19/km) down to pace based on mile race (1:33/400 -- 3:56/km) and did so for 7 reps and the 8th fell back to 4:08. Still I'm making progress.

Thursday was a solid long run until I let the pace get away from me and started pushing. Unfortunately the leg only liked that for a few miles and rebelled around 80 minutes in but I managed to complete a full 90 minutes but it didn't feel good. I still have trouble with the stride on concrete.

Saturday was a stellar trail tempo -- about 5.5 miles of hills at Squaw Creek at about 7:30/mile. Same pace as I ran a few weeks ago but much much longer and honestly much much easier. Mostly my breathing was challenged outside of the biggest hills and my legs felt great. Super elastic, powerful right until the very end when... right calf caused some issues.

So not totally 100% healthy but I've been discharged from PT!! and I'm generally having no problems on easy runs. I also did a good job spreading out my PT work in the evenings (not always logging it) but I did everything from Y balance and arch buildiers, to the stuff I usually do (banded hip work and calf raises).

Finally I started my plyometric! It was ... dare I say much easier than lifting. That said since lifting seems to throw my right hammy out of wack for a day or two, that's probably good. Mostly just box jumps, squat jumps, the double bouncy box jumps, split box jumps, single leg bounding and double leg bounding for length. I can probably do this 3x/week with no problem. Adding in something like 40% weighted deads for speed or power cleans will be tougher.

P.S. My mileage got really high (for me) not exactly sure why but I'm being careful on the cutback week here to really lower it while keeping the same schedule.

P.S.S Stay focused on the goal --- top 80 @ LHF!!! Lay off the haloween candy and eat healthy.

P.S.S.S -- I made Bahn Mi last night! Nom nom. So at least I'll get pickled veggies all week.
