Run: Tempo Previous Next


2:30 PM

4.8 mi


8:44 mi




158.9 lb


68 F


A great run out with M on an absolutely perfect birthday weekend - Not only were yesterday's events a planning masterpiece of M's, but with such gorgeous weather both days, it would have been criminal not to make my first BF run as a 40-year-old today... With M's suggestion, we decide today to mix things up a bit, and rather than starting off together, we intend to have her take a 1-minute head-start to push me to catch up, but circumstances conspire to make that lead an actual 2-minute-plus. I move things along nicely, though, hitting Andrews at 3:58 and the 1-mile house at 8:14, and catch M just as we're both crossing the street at Bridge Restaurant, but I'm definitely feeling that initial exertion from there till run's end - M thankfully gets me talking about the "X-Men: First Class" movie from last night and that seriously helps put my mind in a more productive state. Reaching Foote is hugely satisfying, as is the leg drain lie-down in the Den once inside, but this all makes for just a great running experience with my girl...
