Run: Marathon RP Previous Next


8:15 AM

8 mi


7:54 mi


125 lb


57 F
  • Map


Met Mark at the end of the first loop and had a quick water/GU break, then set off for the pace portion. The first mile sucked because it was uphill, but after that we settled a little bit, although we had a little trouble getting the pace exactly right. Tom Chorny caught up with us between miles 5 and 6 and ran with us for a bit. He was pretty much jogging. Hehe. Anyway, I have a really hard time with marathon pace in training. It always feels harder than it does on race day. Today I felt like I was working a little bit too hard for MP, but I also should have been running a bit slower. But at least I have some indication that an 8:00/mile marathon isn't a complete pipe dream.


7:59 (waaaah, uphill first mile)

7:54 (hey, this isn't too bad)

7:50 (um, we should ease up a bit)

7:55 (there we go)

7:41 (*facepalm*; some downhill)

7:42 (I blame Tom Chorny)

8:13 (uphill on Law/Jordan = death on a stick)

7:56 (I changed my mind; Jordan is my favorite road ever)

I was happy I could keep up this pace on the hills! I think I still had some juice at the end.
