Run: Fartlek Previous Next


4:30 PM

8.8 mi


8:42 mi


125 lb
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Whew, two days in a row off for the first time in a while. I felt crappy yesterday, but I think I was just tired because I felt fine again today. I was afraid I was getting sick but am staying lucky for the moment. Felt great today. Did about 20 minutes of 1 min on, 1 min off fartlek and averaged about 9:00-9:10 the rest of the time.

We had to skip the group run today because we went to the see The Spirit of the Marathon, which was playing tonight only in the theater. I left work a little early to get a longer run in, then still had time to shower and eat. I'm sure the people seated nearby in the theater were relieved that I showered. :) Hated to miss the run with the group, but it was a good movie.
