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4 mi

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<No name>


First actual Q day in awhile. Did 5 intervals today.

5:15 I led this one. We had a pretty solid group; I think it's pretty remarkable considering how group 4/5 usually separates. I wasn't doing my absolute best, but i think for the sake of the group, it's for the better. I still got a good workout in.

5:10 This one was a lot better; it had a good rhythm to it.

5:02 The group told me I paced too fast, so I pulled it back afterwards.

5:05 Hung around in the back for this one. They insisted on running it slower, but I know they liked the last speed better.

5:00 Wanted to do 6, but stopped knowing that I had to go back to school...another 3 miles. Didn't want to overwork the hip, but I think I did. Aaron Dierking ran one more alone, I wish I could've run with him. 4:50! good job today Aaron.

Happy with my 'comeback' workout. It feels good knowing my legs will hurt tomorrow morning....I think...I hope the hip is okay. Running is fun.

Today, I noticed a strange, very faint smoke. People thought I was crazy! turns out there was a wildfire in minnesota. There was a wind from the Northwest...I'm not crazy.
