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4 mi

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5:05 this group is too big. This one was a feeler.

4:58 Faster and better. I should try and keep this one going.

5:00 This is when I knew that I was getting really tired and wasn't exactly sure how many I'd be able to do. I found that running with Pajkos worked really well. I'll probably be running with him now.

5:08 here, my calves began to tighten up, and i could really feel my legs get heavier. I slowed down significantly and did my best to speed up afterwards.

5:02 I did speed up, but not by much. Still running with Pajkos and we're really helping each other work hard. Also, Hirsh did a really good job coaching today. Pacing, encouraging, and keeping us together. I wouldn't have done the next one without his encouragement. I was about done. Felt a little dizzy, but drank water and did my best to keep up. There was a truck.

5:06 I stayed at speed.

I'm not totally satisfied because I did get really tired, but overall, I did get faster than last week and more consistent. Hopefully, the next intervals day, I can add more and stay just as consistent.
