Run: Long Previous Next


5:45 AM

22.5 mi


8:45 mi


55 F


8 / 10
8 / 10


Time includes about 1:15 bathroom stop, so that speeds up the pace by 3-4 seconds/mile. GREAT RUN, overall. Ran at 8:00/mile for a few miles in the middle, and generally just felt very strong. I did fade a little in the end, but nothing too bad. Physically, I felt very good for most of the run. The right gluteus thing flared once when I turned around at the Black Horse end of the bike path and then it was noticeable for the rest of the run, but nothing too serious I don't think. Clif Shots every 40 minutes, water every 20 minutes. Temperature was about 50 at the start and about 60 at the end.
