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7:06 AM

60.9 mi


17.55 mi / hr


QR Lucero


145 lb
166 bpm
134 bpm



8 / 10
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apparently, i missed the memo that it was a hammerfest day. I was trying to find a group going at a normal easy pace, but every time i'd get in a group someone would decide it was time to hammer. Not sure what was in the air.

The group split pretty early from a stoplight at st francis and suzanne and i ended up stuck in the middle as soon as we got to the service road. We decided to bridge up to the front so we went a tempo effort to catch up, and then shortly after we made it, celina joined us. The front group decided about that time to hammer hard. I started to go (that's where my HR spiked to 166), thinking i didn't want to be stuck alone going into the wind, but i tried to be smart and not push it again like last week. A few of us backed off and rode a little easier until the I-20 gas station. victor and a few more from a 3rd group caught up then, and shortly after we left the gas station, jimmy and spooner started pushing the pace. i rode more moderate than i should have thinking it would eventually die down, but it didn't and I eventually backed of with a few other folks and ended up riding in from the diamond shamrock with tiffany and celina (i did instigate going hard for the last sprint on the service road, though)

drank 2 bottles of infinit, a 32 oz bottle of gatorade, and 1 bottle of water. still was so humid that i lost 4 lbs by the time the ride & run was over.
