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6:40 AM

81.2 mi


18.13 mi / hr


QR Lucero


129 bpm
159 bpm



8 / 10
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RBM - South


rode out to Combine and then added a little extra at White rock to get my time. my legs felt tired from the moment I left my house. I pulled a lot going out to Combine and seemed to be at a good pace for the group while staying in my HR zone. after Combine, the group tried keeping up with Bricker & David R. I was sitting in the back when they took off and tried pulling Gigi back into it. I realized I wasn't able to get her back at their pace, so I surged pretty hard and got to the front to try getting the pace back down. The group wasn't letting up, so I buried myself in the middle. After a while, I wasn't able to stay in my zone and stay in, so I let off and rode the rest of the way to the shell station off the back. effort level was about 75%. (harder than normal, probably from the tired legs, but didn't feel like it was at an 8/10)

Avg Cad: 90

Avg Pwr: 135

NP: 165

VI: 1.23
