Bike: Long Previous Next


7:08 AM

45.7 mi


16.58 mi / hr


QR Lucero


141 lb
127 bpm
149 bpm


7 / 10
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rode a lot easier than normal today. probably a 6, if that starting out, and then 6.5-7 the rest of the ride. The group started out really slow, and then after about 30 minutes of riding, bonsell and a few people went off the front so i moved up to ride at my pace. I was going easier and starting really easy after stoplights, etc, but the group just didn't seem to roll today and i kept going off the front. i tried to pay attention & let up even more, though. we had 4 flats at the railroad tracks, so i had a big break, and then suzanne, scott, & victor were the only ones to turn at cartwright with me. Scott went off the front, had a cleat issue, and then caught back on and had a second one. They stopped the 2nd time with him, but i needed to be somewhere this afternoon, so I rode on alone (from roughly the railroad tracks). tried to really focus on not accelerating up the hills, but just staying easier than normal today.

nutrition: 2 bottles infinit, 32-oz bottle gatorade

avg cad: 86, Avg Pwr:135, NP: 156, VI: 1.15
